Crizal Sapphire UV
Crizal Sapphire UV
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Welcome to the Crizal Sapphire UV� Training Microsite! We are excited to announce that
Crizal Sapphire UV l
enses are now VSP� Vision Care categorized. To support this announcement we have created a brief training for you to take and a short video about
Crizal Sapphire UV
lenses. Remember that we will be randomly selecting 200 participants to receive a
Crizal Sapphire UV
There are three easy steps to get this in-office demo and marketing materials kit:
Click the link below to begin the short Crizal Sapphire UV training and enter for a chance to win a free Crizal Sapphire UV certificate
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1. What type of blue light is harmful for your eyes?
a. Blue-Turquoise light
b. Blue-Violet light
c. Blue-Green light
2. Which of the following patients critically need additional protection from Blue-Violet light?
a. Those with a family history or early signs of AMD and heavy digital devices users
b. Those who often drive at night
c. Those who have difficulty seeing near and far
3. How much Blue-Violet light is deflected by Crizal® Prevencia® No-Glare lenses?
a. 40%
b. 10%
c. 20%
4. Besides protection from Blue-Violet light, what additional benefits do Crizal® Prevencia® No-Glare lenses provide?
a. Resists glare, blocks Blue-Turquoise light, and eliminates swim
b. Allows you to see clearly at all distances
c. Resists glare, scratches, smudges, dust, water, and UV light
5. What are Crizal® Prevencia® Kids No-Glare lenses?
a. Lenses that come as a cost-effective bundle including the Crizal® Prevencia® No-Glare lens treatment and the polycarbonate lens material
b. Pediatric lenses that have less blue light protection than other Crizal Prevencia No-Glare lenses
c. There is no difference between Crizal Prevencia and Crizal Prevencia Kids No-Glare lenses
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